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Bedfordshire | Hertfordshire

01582 666 877

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Mon - Fri: 10:00 - 15:00

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Partial Amendment of Rules of Money Matters Community Bank

Rule 12 – delete
Rule 7 – delete (including map) and replace with:

1. Admission to membership of the Credit Union is restricted to:a) an individual who follows an occupation in the following “Minor” or “Unit” Groups of the Office of National Statistics’ Standard Occupational Classification:
I. 111 Chief Executives and Senior Officials
II. 112 Production Managers and Directors
III. 113 Functional Managers and Directors
IV. 115 Financial Institution Managers and Directors
V. 116 Managers and directors in transport and logistics
VI. 117 Senior Officers in the Armed Forces
VII. 118 Health and Social Services Managers and Directors
VIII. 119 Managers and Directors in Retail and Wholesale
IX. 122 Managers and Proprietors in Hospitality and Leisure Services
X. 124 Managers and Proprietors in Health and Care Services
XI. 125 Managers and Proprietors in Other Services
XII. 211 Natural and Social Science Professionals
XIII. 212 Engineering Professionals
XIV. 213 Information Technology and Telecommunications Professionals
XV. 214 Conservation and Environment Professionals
XVI. 215 Research and Development Managers
XVII. 221 Health Professionals
XVIII. 222 Therapy Professionals
XIX. 223 Nursing and Midwifery Professionals
XX. 231 Teaching and Educational Professionals
XXI. 241 Legal Professionals
XXII. 242 Business, Research and Administrative Professionals
XXIII. 243 Architects, Town Planners and Surveyors
XXIV. 244 Welfare Professionals
XXV. 247 Media Professionals
XXVI. 311 Science, Engineering and Production Technicians
XXVII. 312 Draughtspersons and Related Architectural Technicians
XXVIII. 313 Information Technology Technicians
XXIX. 321 Health Associate Professionals
XXX. 323 Welfare and Housing Associate Professionals
XXXI. 331 Protective Services Occupations
XXXII. 342 Design Occupations
XXXIII. 344 Sports and Fitness Occupations
XXXIV. 351 Transport associate professionals
XXXV. 352 Legal Associate Professionals
XXXVI. 353 Business, Finance and Related Associate Professionals
XXXVII. 354 Sales, Marketing and Related Associated Professionals
XXXVIII. 356 Public Services and Other Associate Professionals
XXXIX. 411 Administrative Occupations: Government and Related Organisations
XL. 412 Administrative Occupations: Finance
XLI. 415 Other Administrative Occupations
XLII. 416 Administrative Occupations: Office Managers and Supervisors
XLIII. 421 Secretarial and Related Occupations
XLIV. 511: Agricultural and Related Trades
XLV. 522 Metal Machining, Fitting and Instrument Making Trades
XLVI. 523 Vehicle Trades
XLVII. 524 Electrical and Electronic Trades
XLVIII. 525 Skilled Metal, Electrical and Electronic Trades Supervisors
XLIX. 531 Construction and Building Trades
L. 533 Construction and Building Trades Supervisors
LI. 543 Food Preparation and Hospitality Trades
LII. 612 Childcare and Related Personal Services
LIII. 614 Caring Personal Services
LIV. 621 Leisure and Travel Service Occupations
LV. 623 Housekeeping and Related Services
LVI. 624 Cleaning and Housekeeping Managers and Supervisors
LVII. 712 Sales Related Occupations
LVIII. 713 Sales Supervisors
LIX. 721 Customer Service Occupations
LX. 722 Customer Service Managers and Supervisors
LXI. 814 Construction Operatives
LXII. 821 Transport Drivers and Operatives
LXIII. 822 Mobile Machine Drivers and Operatives
LXIV. 823 Other drivers and transport operatives
LXV. 921 Elementary Administrative Occupations
LXVI. 924 Elementary Security Occupations
b) an individual who is employed by one of the following employers:
1. Ryanair
2. Transport for London
3. Network Rail
4. National Express
5. Hertfordshire County Council
6. Stansted Airport plc
c) a body corporate, an individual in his/her capacity as a partner in a partnership, an individual in his/her capacity as an officer or a member of the governing body of an unincorporated association, if the body corporate, partnership or unincorporated association:
1. is one of the above employers (or their successor subsidiaries)
2. provides services, including trade union services, to one of the above employers
d) an individual who is a member of the following organisations:
1. Trade Union Congress (TUC)
2. Unite the Union
3. GMB
5. Prospect
6. National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers
7. United Road Transport Union
8. British Airline Pilots’ Association
9. Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen
10. Mail Carriers Association
11. Fire Brigades Union
12. Prison Officers Union
13. Royal College of Nursing
14. British Medical Association
15. British Association of Dental Nurses
16. National Union of Teachers
17. NAHT
18. National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers
19. Association of Teachers and Lecturers
20. University and College Union
21. National Union of Students
22. Educational Institute of Scotland
23. National Education Union
24. National Union of Journalist
25. Law Society of England and Wales
26. Communication Workers Union
27. Public and Commercial Services Union
28. The National Trust
29. Royal Horticultural Society
30. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
31. English Heritage
32. Royal British Legion
33. British and International Golf Greenkeepers Association
34. Royal Institute of British Architects
35. Chartered Institute of Marketing
36. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
37. Royal Naval Association
38. YMCA
39. Co-operative Group Limited
40. Chartered Institute for Securities & Investments
41. The Guide Association
42. The Scout Association
43. Army Widows Association
44. AA Limited
45. RAC Limited
46. The Midcounties Co-operative Limited
47. Scottish Midland Co-Operative Society Limited
e) an individual who is a member of the same household as, and is a relative of, an individual who is a member of the credit union and falls directly within a common bond specified above

Signatures of three members




Signature of the secretary
